Membership Information
Are you interested in making long lasting friendships?
Would you enjoy evening dinner, dancing, and watching sunsets?
Are your children interested in Junior Sailing?
Would you enjoy a night out with friends making new memories?
Island Heights Yacht Club is INVITING you to consider membership in our wonderful family. IHYC has been a home away from home to all its members since 1898 and is a vital part of the Island Heights Community.
IHYC is a family-oriented club that offers its members a full and varied social and boating schedule from May through the early fall. The club is a thriving community that offers a warm welcome and constant activity during the season for every age group. It fosters a sense of belonging and warm friendships that cross all ages and a unique camaraderie that creates long lasting bonds. The members are united and serve one another and the broader yacht club community on the river and bay. We work hard together and enjoy each others company!
We ask prospective members of IHYC to fill out the membership application, acquire two sponsor signatures who will assist you in the membership process, and pay the applicable entrance fee. Follow the directions at the bottom of the application for submission.
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Membership questions
Please feel free to download a copy of the application and dues structure. Membership Application 2024 Or you can stop by the club to pick up a copy of the application.
Thank you for your interest in the Island Heights Yacht Club, a distinguished sailing and social club on the Barnegat Bay.
Learn about who we are and the history of the club.